
Rants & raves...

The disappearing thing I think happens equally to both men and women.

Its just part of being in an online world, sometimes real life takes priority and it’s just not possible to keep in contact with people who you don't see everyday.

I know it’s not fun, its like being virtually stood up, but I think you have to learn not to take it personally and just accept that it is something that can and will happen when communicating online.

Besides, it’s their loss anyway. smiley
13 years

Rants & raves...

Well i cant say your a pushover or a meanie or anything like that because ive only talked to you thru the shoutout like once or twice so your totally cool in my book! As for the "disappearing act" Ive done that a few times but not for the purpose of being an *** or being mean. I come on ff for a lil while then when i finally start talking to somebody on here i have "friends" that come out of nowhere and wanna hang out all of a sudden and then i dont come on here for months at a time. I may have upset people with that and i wanna say here that im sorry for that if any one of them are mad or offended. Im generally a nice guy so if anyone does wanna talk i would suggest using like yahoo or something as an easier way of communicating just in general. I hope i dont come as an *** but i wanted to explain what happens with me.
13 years

Rants & raves...

Maimee wrote:
Just because we post revealing pictures on here doesn't make us whores. We're expressing our sexuality, nothing else. We're not promising you anything.

Well Said
13 years

Rants & raves...

Regarding Ariday's point about people pulling the dissapearing act: yeah, I totally agree. I've had people do this to me on a few websites, and I'm always left faintly baffled. Then again, I have the social grace of an albatross, so I suppose I should see it coming when people decide they want to discontinue any correspondance with me. Ah well.
13 years

Rants & raves...

Hahaha well the one thing that pisses me off is guys that message me ask me stuff that is clearly written in my I-seek-u, like If you cant take the time to even read that then why take the time to message me
and the other thing that realllyyy pisses me off is the ones that message and then when you dont reply they send more saying like ' WHY U NO REPLY' or they even just end the message
bye, ps. REPLY

its like.. wtf

haha and also Tokyo is awesome I totally agree
13 years

Rants & raves...

The only think that really grinds me gears are the people who INSIST on people knowing everything about them before they message them.

Sure you have a profile, and pics, vids, dating ad etc...

But, I feel like a Cyber Stalker and Creeper when I check out everything in their profile, including forum posts, to see what said person is like.

And it REALLY is shitty to demand people read what you have to say and all you say is: "I don't know what to say in the little box here. But don't message me with just 'Hey'"

That's about it. I just hate feeling like some 45 year old staring at teens on Facebook when I read through people's things to gather a decent basis to message...

12 years

Rants & raves...

What grinds my gears today?

Women who are looking for a feeder, online only and continually complain they have no money to buy food with.

There is a sucker born every minute. I'm not one.

I do not believe no one is sending you money already. Let alone probably 5 or 6 people. But, don't ***ing entice them to give their money to you in hope that you may want them to be your feeder in person.

At least the Bombshells and Stuffer31 people take your money without making you hope you are falling for them.

"So, can I peek at your cam?"

"Sorry only for people who pay"

Well then, I have no faith that you are who you say you are. All signs point to you looking for an easy money making ride through life...

*Rant done* Sorry....
12 years